Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
School begins at 8:30 am with doors opening at 8:20 am
End of day dismissal is 3:50 pm with busses departing promptly at 4:00 pm
Principal: Ron Urbin
Assistant Principal: Wes Woodward Assistant Principal/Athletic Director: Anthony Lott
Office Hours: Monday 7:30 am-4:30 pm, Friday 7:30 am-11:30 am
Phone Number: 307-352-3474 Fax Number: 888-316-5634 Address: 3500 Foothill Blvd.
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RSJH Daily Announcements
RSJH Announcements
Good Morning Jaguars! Today is Thursday January 23rd which is a silver day and here are your announcements.
The breakfast menu for today is your choice between mini cinnamon roll, donut holes or peach yogurt parfait.
The lunch menu for today is your choice between French bread pizza, hot dog on a bun, baja salad or deli sub sandwich .
We are going to have Amanda Rawson Hill, an award-winning author that grew up in Rock Springs, visit our school in Feb.
If you are interested in ordering signed books from her or just want more information stop by library to see Mrs Heinen.