Curriculum Requirements

  1.  Sweetwater School District Number One requires that by the end of eight grade (8) year, students must complete the following core courses.


4 Semesters-Language Arts

4 Semesters-Mathematics

4 Semesters-Social Studies

4 Semesters-Science

1 Semester-Integrated Computer Technology (7th)

2 Semesters-Physical Education

1 Semester-Health


2.  All 7th and 8th grade students must maintain full time status.

3. Should problems become apparent for any individual students, the district will utilize required procedures to consider extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness, IEP, etc.), which may warrant adjustment to the above requirements.

4.  Students who, at any time during the 7th or 8th grade year, do not meet requirements of the curriculum shall be recommended for assistance through interventions or other options available.

5.  Communications with at risk 7th or 8th graders, their parents, and counselor will occur for students who are in danger of not completing required courses.  This communication will review attempts made to help the student succeed and strategize future efforts to complete all necessary requirements.